Hi there! My name is Veronica Ochs. I’m the sixth child and fourth daughter to Ken and Anne ... Learn More
Veronica Ochs
About Me
Hi there! My name is Veronica Ochs. I’m the sixth child and fourth daughter to Ken and Anne Ochs. I am a senior at NCHS and a member of Math Club, Science Club, Beta Club, Star Spangled Banner Club, and Student Council. I also participate in Cross Country and Marching Band playing the xylophone in the fall. In the spring, I take part in the musical. My favorite past-times (when I actually have time) include reading, sleeping, and spending time with my cats. When people ask about my plans for my future, I become slightly scared. I know that I want my life to have a purpose. I want to use my talents and skills to make a difference. I know that with the help of CEO I can begin my journey into the unknown land called the Future. I also know that I’ll gain valuable assets to further my understanding of business and the world in general. I’m excited to begin this new adventure with such an amazing group of peers.